April 28th 2024 : Learn, Change, Grow

What Does It Take To Change a Mind

We've all had the experience of a difficult conversation on a topic of great importance to us, whether with someone we know or a stranger, and found we wish it had gone much better.  We'll look at some help for difficult conversations, particularly conversations on issues such social justice, climate change, immigration, gender, or race, with people with whom you disagree. We'll be gaining wisdom from an editor at the well-researched and highly respected publication The Conversation about connecting more effectively with those who disagree with us on important issues. That would be a very good thing, I'm sure you'd agree. 

April 28, 2024 Readings

The first reading comes from the work of Jiddu Krishnamurti, an Indian philosopher, speaker, writer, and spiritual figure who founded 5 schools, each with a global outlook and concern for the environment. However, he also urged people not to blindly follow any doctrine, authority, or teacher, including himself. Here’s what Krishnamurti offered on the subject of conflict:

“In seeking comfort, we generally find a quiet corner in life where there is a minimum of conflict, and then we are afraid to step out of that seclusion.”

Almost as if he were answering Krashnamurti in a personal conversation, here is a statement from Ghandi, the Indian lawyer, anti-colonialist activist, and non-violent protester:

“Peace is not the absence of conflict but the ability to cope with it.” 

And from someone who also knew a great deal about conflict and tried to put into practice what he preached about it (here quoted with a slight change in language to include everyone)

“Human beings must evolve a method for all human conflict which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.”

West Hill United