Blue Christmas - December 16th
December 16th from 9:30-2:00
What if Christmas time brings sadness or emotional distress?
Often loss, any loss death of a loved one, loss of a job or relationship, estrangement from family or friends creates sorrow at a time when culture expects you to be joyfilled. These losses are often compounded during the Christmas season. What if all you want to say is “Bah! Humbug!” and no one will allow it. Come and let down your grief. Share time in a safe space where you can speak openly about your feelings regarding this time of year. Bring your blues and see if we can leave them in the circle so you can leave with a lighter heart and a purpose to get you through the Santa-season.
A bit about our facilitator, Cynthia Breadner
Cynthia is a graduate of Laurentian University with a BA Hons in Gerontology and Religious Study. She graduated 2013 from Emmanuel College with an M.Div. which has sparked her passion for spiritual care. Matthew Fox defines Spirituality as “our everyday experiences of depth and deeper meaning and the connection that they carry. Spirituality is present wherever we undergo or observe deeply”. She has worked with aging adults for many years teaching and growing her understanding of optimal aging. To age well is to do so with purpose and passion. Cynthia is a mother of two, grandmother of two, an avid runner and triathlete, a health and fitness instructor with a passion for sharing and teaching. The culmination of her experience and training combined with her supercharged personality make her fun and approachable.
Please join us for this special session with Cynthia on December 16th from 9:30-2:00.
Let us save you a seat; sign up in the WHU lobby or message the office to register.